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Uniting Waverley Estate
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Artistic impression only. Subject to change.

Uniting has been providing community health and aged care services in Waverley for over 100 years. We’ve been planning for the future and looking at ways we can restore and enhance the Uniting Waverley Estate for many years to come. 

Uniting Waverley envisions a vibrant future, while celebrating the Estate’s significant history. We aim to evolve our aged care and community services, tailoring them to meet the changing needs of the Waverley community. Our focus is on person-centred care that fosters health, connection and wellbeing. 

Uniting War Memorial Hospital will continue to operate all of its services through the redevelopment and beyond. The proposal will complement the hospital and enhance the services we offer.

The revised masterplan

Why are we proposing to enhance and unify the Uniting Waverley Estate?

Renew and expand the services offered onsite in new, fit for purpose accommodation that aligns with community expectations and the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

Continue the legacy of service to the community for another 100+ years. If approved, the Estate will be home to approximately 400 seniors.

Meet the increasing demand for seniors independent living homes and services* that support ageing gracefully with dignity. The Hospital will be part of this continuous care.

Introduce more green open space, gardens and amenities for both residents and the community to use. Our goal is to unify the Estate, enhance its useability and expand the range of services it offers to the community.

*Data sourced from Waverley Council’s Local Housing Strategy 2020-2036, Document 2, (2020); the NSW Government’s Ageing Well in NSW: Seniors Strategy 2021-2031 (2020); and the NSW Government’s Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy (2021).

How have community priorities been addressed in the revised masterplan?

The community has shared ideas and feedback over the years. We’ve listened and significantly revised the masterplan for the Uniting Waverley Estate.

Disclaimer: All items and images contained within this website are principles and ideas. The design is at a proposed masterplan stage to inform and support the community consultation. They are not final masterplans or Development Application documents. The Development Application is subject to the statutory planning process. Illustrations are concepts only and may be subject to changes to satisfy statutory planning authorities, which will consider applications and provide any approvals.

The revised masterplan

Why are we proposing to enhance and unify the Uniting Waverley Estate?

Uniting recognises that there has been increasing demand for seniors housing and services that support ageing within your home of choice*. We’ve been working on plans to meet this important community need.

Revitalising the Uniting Waverley Estate will enable us to provide a diverse range of housing options and health and aged care services that support people as their health and care needs change. If the plans are approved, the Uniting Waverley Estate will be home to around 400 seniors.

Our goal is to unify the Uniting Waverley Estate, enhance its useability and expand the range of services it offers to the community.

The proposal will improve the Estate’s streetscapes and accessibility, opening up the central garden and green spaces for the community to use during the day.

*Data sourced from Waverley Council’s Local Housing Strategy 2020-2036, Document 2, (2020); the NSW Government’s Ageing Well in NSW: Seniors Strategy 2021-2031 (2020); and the NSW Government’s Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy (2021).

How have community priorities been addressed in the revised masterplan?

The community shared its ideas and feedback with us in 2021. As a result, we have significantly revised the masterplan design for the Uniting Waverley Estate.

Key changes to the masterplan in response to community feedback:

Revised masterplan image

Artist’s impression only. Subject to design changes and planning approval.

Disclaimer: All items contained within this website are principles and ideas. The design is at a proposed concept master plan stage to inform and support the community consultation and planning proposal. They are not final master plans or Development Application documents. If successful with the planning proposals, Uniting will take the approvals that are received and consider items such as Waverley Council’s proposed site-specific Development Control Plan, develop a concept master plan that is reflective of the controls and then refine the plan to support a Development Application.  The Development Application is subject to the statutory planning process. Illustrations are concepts only and subject to changes to satisfy statutory planning authorities, which will consider applications and provide any approvals.

Key changes to the masterplan in response to community feedback:

The community identified the following priority areas of interest

How we have revised the masterplan

Affordable housing needed

Uniting commits to providing a minimum of 10% of all dwellings on the site as affordable rental housing.

Addressing traffic and parking impacts

The aim is to make the Estate more pedestrian friendly by taking the majority of parking and vehicles to the basement level.

The main service vehicle entry will be via Bronte Road with secondary entry/exit points off Birrell Street, Church Street, Carrington Road and Bronte Road. This will ease congestion in Church Street.

Shared pedestrian and vehicle zones for service drop-offs and reduced vehicular speed restrictions.

Traffic studies have shown minimal impact even at peak travel times.

Preserve the green space and trees

Uniting Waverley will respect and protect the natural environment by: 

  • Implementing a tree replacement strategy that will increase the current tree canopy from 27% to over 40%
  • More than doubling the amount of useable landscaped spaces on the Estate
  • Integrating the importance of connection to Country within the design
  • Including sustainable design and energy use features such as:
    • Solar panels
    • 100% electric system
    • Energy efficient heating and cooling systems and appliances
    • A rainwater reuse system for the gardens
    • Electric vehicle charging stations. 

These initiatives will contribute to Uniting’s operational target of net zero emissions by 2040. They will contribute to a Green Star – Communities rating. 

The buildings have been redesigned and repositioned to:

  • Retain more established trees, including an additional major fig tree. More than 50% of the trees on the Estate will be retained. Overall, there will be:
    • 120 trees retained
    • 83 trees removed
    • 166 new trees planted.
  • Provide larger gardens and a variety of landscaped areas with improved natural light.

Protection of historical areas

The gates on the corner of Birrell Street and Bronte Road will be restored.

A new landscaped garden will sit behind the gates and complement the entry. The gates will be capable of opening and allowing access into the Estate.

There is a plan for each heritage item.

Site security

Improved connection to the community by introducing safer and clearer entries with views into the Estate. The community will be able to see the main heritage precinct.

Wayfinding and accessibility

Wayfinding and accessibility have been improved with the inclusion of accessible pathways marked with lighting, signage and landscaping. These improvements will enhance the walkability of the Estate for residents and visitors alike.

Creating places for connection

The Uniting Waverley Estate has been designed to create a genuine sense of community. There will be more green open space and gardens for residents and the community to gather in and socialise. A café, play area and plenty of seating and gathering nooks for social connection are also proposed.

Value to the community

The revised masterplan is a solution that embraces the purpose of the Uniting Waverley Estate. Our purpose is to provide care and support to seniors and enhance their health and wellbeing. 

We aim to celebrate heritage, legacy and connection to Country by enhancing the Estate through the design and landscaping. The proposal also aims to unify the Estate and provide more services and areas for the community to use. 

The Estate and upper gardens will continue to be open for everyone.

Proposed inclusions

The proposed masterplan for the Uniting Waverley Estate includes:

Around 231 independent living apartments

105 residential aged care places

Amenities such as a hairdressing salon, multi-purpose rooms, a play area and landscaped gardens, as well as a cafe for users of the Estate to enjoy.

Double the amount of useable landscaped spaces for residents and the community to use

Improved facilities for existing services, such as the Seniors’ Gym, Men’s Shed and day services for seniors.

Proposed development gallery

Uniting provides continuous care for seniors

The proposal includes new independent living apartments, assisted living services and residential aged care so that we can provide continued care for people. Couples will be able to live in the same location, even if their care needs differ, and remain connected to loved ones. These new services will complement the existing services.

Retirement & independent living

Designed for over-70s, the proposed retirement village is an opportunity to live in a safe, secure, and vibrant community.

Assisted living

Have more time to do what you love, while we take care of the day-to-day chores that may have become too physically demanding.

Residential aged care

With 24/7 support from our compassionate care team, residents live their day their way, with dignity and respect.


Read the latest information on the proposed redevelopment for Uniting Waverley.

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You're always welcome at Uniting

Uniting values diversity of ability, age, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, intersex variation and/or gender identity and always welcomes everyone, exactly as they are. 

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Our vision is to support the Waverley community by providing quality, person-centred aged care and community services, that respond to their changing needs.

Our services will promote health, wellbeing and connection, in welcoming settings that conserve and respect Uniting Waverley’s rich history.

Connect with us to:

  • Speak to one of our Consultants